Simplifying Your Cloud Migration: From VMware to AWS

Jul 3, 2024 | Articles

Why Migrate to AWS?

Migrating your workloads from VMware to AWS offers several compelling benefits that can transform your IT environment:

  1. Cost Savings: By moving to AWS, you can avoid the rising costs associated with VMware renewals. AWS provides competitive pricing and financial incentives that can significantly lower your overall expenses.

  2. Performance and Scalability: AWS’s robust infrastructure enhances the performance and scalability of your applications, ensuring they run efficiently and can handle increased workloads.

  3. Advanced Features: Access a wide range of AWS services and features designed to modernize and transform your IT environment, from advanced analytics to machine learning capabilities.

The Challenge with VMware and Broadcom

With the recent Broadcom acquisition of VMware, many customers face increased costs and the need to manage their VMware environment directly with Broadcom. This transition can be daunting and costly. However, Aligned Technology Group offers a seamless and cost-effective solution to migrate your workloads natively to AWS.

AWS Migration Incentives

AWS provides substantial financial incentives for partners migrating VMware Cloud clients to AWS:

  • Credits per VM: Migrate 80 or more VMs and receive $400 in credits per VM. For 40 to 79 VMs, the offer is $200 per VM.
  • AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP): Apply for additional funding through MAP, guaranteeing up to $460,000 in migration credits. This includes up to $500,000 ARR for businesses that become AWS native, with a 10% higher funding amount for VMware-specific migrations.

Navigate the New VMware Pricing and Vendor Landscape with Confidence

The landscape of VMware pricing and vendor relations has shifted significantly with Broadcom’s acquisition. Navigating these changes can be complex, but with Aligned Technology Group’s expertise, you can manage these transitions confidently. We stay updated with the latest developments and ensure our clients are well-informed and prepared for any changes.

Break Free from On-Premises Limitations and Unlock the Benefits of AWS

On-premises solutions often come with limitations in scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency. By migrating to AWS, you break free from these constraints. AWS offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing your infrastructure to grow with your business needs without the physical limitations of on-premises hardware.

Avoid Lock-In with Flexible Licensing and Fee-Free Mobility

AWS provides flexible licensing options that help avoid vendor lock-in. This flexibility ensures you can adapt to changing business requirements without being tied to a single vendor’s ecosystem. Additionally, AWS offers fee-free mobility, making it easier to migrate workloads without incurring additional costs.

Identify Cost Savings and Migration Opportunities with Our Free Assessment

Aligned Technology Group offers a free cloud readiness assessment to help you identify potential cost savings and migration opportunities. Our detailed evaluation of your current environment provides insights into how you can optimize your infrastructure and reduce costs by moving to AWS.

Licensing Costs: VMware vs. AWS

One of the significant considerations in the decision to migrate from VMware to AWS is the difference in licensing costs. Here’s a closer look at how they compare:

  • VMware Licensing Costs: VMware’s licensing costs have been on the rise, especially after the Broadcom acquisition. VMware licenses typically require substantial upfront payments, with additional costs for renewals, support, and management. Depending on the specific VMware products and services, these costs can accumulate quickly, creating a heavy financial burden on businesses.

  • AWS Licensing Costs: AWS offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which can be more cost-effective and flexible compared to VMware’s upfront and recurring costs. AWS’s pricing is based on usage, meaning you only pay for what you use, which can significantly reduce expenses. Additionally, AWS provides various pricing options and financial incentives that can further lower costs, such as reserved instances, savings plans, and migration credits.

By migrating to AWS, businesses can take advantage of a more predictable and scalable cost structure, avoiding the high upfront costs and increasing renewal fees associated with VMware. This financial flexibility allows organizations to allocate resources more efficiently and invest in innovation and growth.

Accelerate Enterprise Cloud Transformation

In today’s digital-first world, business outcomes are tied to faster innovation and greater efficiency. To innovate faster and improve operational efficiency, businesses need technology that is agile, flexible, scalable, and resilient, optimized for changing business needs. Public clouds offer the flexibility and speed to respond to these needs, accelerating innovation and aligning costs to business requirements by managing upfront expenses, operational support, and total cost of ownership (TCO).

However, public cloud transformation can be challenging. IT teams face multiple challenges in three key areas:

  1. Migration and Operation: Differences in every component of the infrastructure stack and every aspect of IT operations between on-premises and public cloud environments can create complexities.
  2. Enterprise Applications: The high granularity of public cloud services and the need for costly and complicated assembly and integration can make delivering enterprise applications in the cloud challenging.
  3. Modernizing Applications: One-size-fits-all refactoring often does not deliver satisfactory value or ROI due to differences in value delivered by applications, infrastructural needs, DevOps processes, and architectural designs.

These challenges can decrease the sought-after agility and value of moving enterprise applications to the public cloud while increasing the time, risk, and cost of initial migration, ongoing operation, and eventual application modernization.

Why Choose Aligned Technology Group?

As an AWS Advanced Tier Partner, Aligned Technology Group is your trusted advisor for AWS migrations, offering expert guidance and support throughout your migration journey. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Cloud Readiness Assessment: We evaluate your current environment to determine the best migration strategy tailored to your needs.
  • Workload Optimization: We ensure your applications are optimized for the AWS cloud, maximizing performance and cost-efficiency.
  • Seamless Transition: Our proven migration methodologies minimize downtime, ensuring a smooth transition to AWS.
  • Cost Management: We implement savings strategies and enhance financial transparency within AWS, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

Transitioning from VMware to AWS doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Contact Aligned Technology Group today for a free consultation and take the first step towards a more efficient and cost-effective cloud environment.


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Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.

Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.