AWS Storage Architecture & Delivery

Certified AWS Storage Experts

We specialize in a customer-centric approach to designing and managing AWS storage architecture, aligning your strategic objectives with the scalability and agility of the AWS Cloud.

Specialists with AWS

As an Advanced Tier Services partner, Aligned is vested and committed to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

We are working tirelessly to enhance and extend our expertise with AWS. We truly believe in the superiority of AWS over other cloud competitors, and see this play out with our Clients each and every day.

Storage Offerings

Purposefully designed for AWS

Seamless AWS Migration and Integration

Our offering ensures a smooth and seamless transition to AWS storage services. With a team of experienced architects, we offer comprehensive migration strategies designed to minimize downtime and maximize data integrity. Beyond the migration, we are skilled at integrating AWS storage with a wide range of third-party applications, promoting enhanced interoperability and productivity across your infrastructure.

Advanced AWS Data Security and Resiliency

Data is your organization’s most valuable asset. Our service offering focuses on implementing robust security measures, using AWS’s best practices to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. We further enhance data resiliency with the use of advanced AWS features such as versioning, replication, and life cycle management, guarding against data loss and ensuring business continuity.

AWS Cost Optimization & Analytics-Ready Architecture

Our services are designed not just to keep your data secure, but to optimize the cost of doing so. Regular audits and actionable insights ensure your resources are efficiently allocated, eliminating unnecessary expenditure. We also tailor your AWS storage architecture to be analytics-ready. Whether your organization operates with real-time analytics, big data processing, or data warehousing, our AWS solutions are optimized to meet your specific requirements.

Storage Services

Leverage our AWS Storage Architecture and Delivery Practice for secure, cost-effective, and seamless migration to AWS storage.

AWS Migration Services

We provide end-to-end assistance for transitioning to AWS storage solutions, from designing the migration strategy to execution and post-migration support. Our team of experts ensures a seamless, secure, and efficient migration process, minimizing downtime and maximizing data integrity.

AWS Security and Compliance

Our services ensure robust security for your data stored on AWS. We incorporate AWS’s best practices for security and privacy, helping you meet stringent compliance requirements and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data.

AWS Cost Optimization

We ensure optimal use of your AWS storage resources, helping you eliminate unneeded costs and leverage the most cost-effective solutions. Our team conducts regular reviews and provides insights to adjust your storage resources, aligning with usage patterns and business needs.

Third-Party Integrations

Our team has deep expertise in integrating your AWS storage solutions with a wide range of third-party applications, ensuring smooth interoperation and increased productivity.

AWS Data Resiliency

With our services, your AWS storage system will achieve maximum data resiliency. We utilize advanced AWS features like versioning, replication, and life cycle management to safeguard your data against loss and ensure business continuity.

Analytics-Ready Architecture with AWS

We architect your AWS storage to support data analytics. Whether your organization uses real-time analytics, big data processing, or data warehousing, our AWS solutions will be optimized to meet your specific needs.

Third-Party Integrations

Connecting the right tools & resources is critical for operational excellence and beyond.

Database Systems

MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and more for seamless data transfers to and from AWS storage services.

Data Migration Tools

Tools like DMS (Database Migration Service), SFTP (AWS Transfer for SFTP), and others to assist in moving data securely to AWS services.

Backup and DR Solutions

Integration with popular platforms like Veritas, Commvault, Veeam, and more, for backup and disaster recovery purposes.

Analytics Platforms

Integration with data analytics platforms like Tableau, Splunk, Databricks, Hadoop, and others for seamless data analysis and insights.

Security Platforms

Integration with security platforms like Palo Alto Networks, Symantec, and others to ensure robust data security in AWS storage.

DevOps Tools

Tools like Jenkins, GitLab, JFrog, etc., for efficient CI/CD pipeline management with AWS storage.

Content Management Systems

Systems like WordPress, Drupal, etc., to store and manage digital content on AWS.

We support these:

AWS Storage Services

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Scalable storage for data backup, archiving, and analytics.

Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store): Block-level storage for use with Amazon EC2 instances.

Amazon EFS (Elastic File System): Scalable file storage for use with Amazon EC2 instances.

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server: Fully managed Windows native file system for applications.

Amazon FSx for Lustre: High-performance file system for fast processing of workloads.

Amazon S3 Glacier & Glacier Deep Archive: Long-term, secure, and durable object storage for data archiving and backup.

AWS Storage Gateway: Hybrid cloud storage that provides on-premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage.

AWS Snow Family (Snowball, Snowmobile): Physical devices to migrate terabytes or even exabytes of data into and out of AWS.

AWS Backup: Centralized backup service for automating and managing backups across AWS services.

Case Studies: AWS Storage Solutions in Action

Explore our curated collection of case studies showcasing how our AWS storage solutions have driven remarkable improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Discover how organizations across various industries have benefited from our transformative storage strategies, tailored to meet their unique needs.

Healthcare Innovation Enabled: OBHG's Cloud Transformation


OBHG Management Group, a leading OB Hospitalist Provider, faced a significant service disruption threat due to the discontinuation of a critical SaaS product. With a need for a swift and secure transition to a new cloud environment, OBHG sought a reliable partner to ensure uninterrupted healthcare services while adhering to stringent HIPAA regulations..


What we did

  1. Comprehensive Cloud Migration
  2. Strategic Cloud Advisory
  3. Elastic Engineering Support
  4. Secure Landing Zone Deployment
  5. Storage Optimization
  6. Cloud Security Posture Assessment


  • Successful AWS Migration: Ensured uninterrupted healthcare services for OBHG with a secure, HIPAA-compliant AWS environment.
  • Seamless Operations: Integrated Azure, GCP, and on-premises servers into a unified system without impacting end-user experience.
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: Fortified cloud security and ensured adherence to healthcare data protection standards.
  • Cost-Efficient Management: Achieved significant cost savings through strategic storage solutions and optimized cloud services..

Cloud Overhaul for Media: Cost-Cutting Solutions at That’s Great News


That’s Great News, a media company specializing in high-quality wall plaques, faced escalating costs and growing storage needs in AWS for their extensive database of over 3 million news articles. With limited technical resources, they needed a strategic approach to enhance their AWS storage and reduce expenditure.


What we did

  1. Elastic Engineering Deployment
  2. S3 Storage Strategy for Oracle Net Suite 
  3. Catalyst Program Utilization
  4. Comprehensive Assessments


  • Efficient Storage Overhaul: Established a more efficient and scalable AWS storage solution, fitting That’s Great News’s specific needs.
  • Cost Reduction Achieved: Significantly cut down on AWS expenses through strategic storage rightsizing and optimized cloud management.
  • Enhanced Technical Guidance: Provided expert advisory services, aiding in sustainable cloud cost and consumption.

Harnessing the Power of AWS Primary Storage: Uncover, Utilize, and Optimize

In our previous article, we navigated the world of AWS archival storage, reviewed a real customer use case example and explored how to store data for the long haul. Transitioning from there, let’s shift gears into the realm of AWS primary storage— the vanguard of data...

Unlocking Cost Savings and Compliance with AWS Archival Storage

Nowadays, with data piling up like there's no tomorrow, businesses are continually seeking effective strategies to manage their ever-expanding data volumes. One key part of managing data involves archival storage, which is all about securely keeping data that isn't...

Ensuring Business Continuity with the AWS DR Strategies – Part 1: Backup and Restore

Delve into AWS’s disaster recovery strategies, focusing on the “Backup and Restore” method. This strategy not only preserves your data but also prepares your entire cloud environment for a swift recovery post-disaster. We cover everything from when to use this strategy, how it works, to practical applications using AWS services and Terraform for cross-region replication. Join us as we unpack the layers of robust disaster preparedness with AWS.

Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.

Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.