Unlocking Cost Savings and Compliance with AWS Archival Storage

Oct 10, 2023 | Articles, Storage Articles

Nowadays, with data piling up like there’s no tomorrow, businesses are continually seeking effective strategies to manage their ever-expanding data volumes. One key part of managing data involves archival storage, which is all about securely keeping data that isn’t used much but is needed for compliance or business reasons. In this article, we explore the world of AWS Archival Storage Solutions and their significant impact on businesses, with a real-world use case highlighting a Financial Company’s success story.

Understanding Archival Storage:

Archival storage is the answer to the question of what to do with data that doesn’t need frequent access but must be preserved. Many times this is thanks to some sort of business compliance requirement. AWS offers a range of archival storage services, including Amazon S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive, providing businesses with cost-effective and scalable solutions.

Amazon S3 Glacier:

Amazon S3 Glacier is designed for data that you don’t need on a day-to-day basis but still require for long-term preservation. This cost-effective solution offers slower retrieval times compared to other storage classes but provides flexibility through three retrieval options (Expedited, Standard, and Bulk) to balance cost and speed based on your needs.

S3 Glacier Deep Archive:

S3 Glacier Deep Archive takes archival storage to the next level, offering extreme cost savings for data you rarely access but must keep for compliance or regulatory reasons. It boasts even lower storage costs compared to Amazon S3 Glacier, making it the go-to solution for long-term data retention. While retrieval times are measured in hours, this service remains an excellent choice for data you expect to access very infrequently.

Real-World Use Case: Financial Company

A Financial Company was navigating the complex terrain of financial data management, with no existing AWS deployment and limited internal cloud expertise. They were in the midst of transitioning from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud-based solutions when they encountered an unexpected roadblock – compliance requires an archival solution for the data moving to a SaaS solution however, IT did not budget this into the engagement and was finding costly CapEx solutions as a risk to the project remaining in budget.

What We Did:

Solution Review: To start, we reviewed the existing solution architecture and requirements in place from the business. From there we looked to leverage an API architecture that could connect to AWS to serve as the archival landing zone.

Data Archival: We implemented a data archival solution while coordinating with the new SaaS vendor to ensure end to end success while limiting the need for the client to manage the technical handoffs and discussions. This involved securely archiving historical financial records and data, which was crucial for compliance purposes. We leveraged AWS Archival Storage Solutions to ensure that this data was safely preserved at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional storage methods.

The Results:

Through our concerted efforts and strategic approach, the Financial Company achieved remarkable outcomes:

The elimination of the upfront CapEx needed with most traditional On-Prem archival solutions was a big win for the business. Furthermore, the total cost of ownership related to the AWS archival solution was significantly less over a 3-5 year outlook compared to other solutions in the running. Lastly, AWS was able to step to the plate providing funding to help offset customer costs for migration and services allowing for an easier transition to the cloud from on-prem.

Beyond cost savings, the organization was able to implement their first secure landing zone to serve as the foundation for future AWS projects. This landing zone not only ensures best practices across engineering requirements but also security via the security reference architecture. Establishing this secure landing zone allows for the proper foundation supporting future IT growth when the team is ready.

Our commitment to this partnership doesn’t end here. We’ll continue to monitor the organization’s AWS billing and finances to ensure the long-term maintenance of these savings. We will also proactively identify and implement further optimizations to support their evolving needs.

In conclusion, AWS Archival Storage Solutions are not just about cost savings – they empower businesses like the Financial Organization to achieve compliance, efficiency, and long-term success in the ever-changing landscape of data management. Are you ready to unlock the same benefits for your organization?

Phil Sautter

VP of Cloud Engineering

Phil spends an inordinate amount of time thinking about cloud and infrastructure technology. Over the last decade, he’s worked at companies like Cisco, Dell/EMC, and HashiCorp where he’s created products and services that have been recognized on Gartner Magic Quadrants and CNCF Tech Radars alike. Now he’s helping organizations simplify and secure their cloud and DevOps practices through advisory-led consulting at Aligned Technology Group.

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Lauryn Colatuno

Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.

Cost Optimization

Issue: Small AWS deployment with little management oversight and a lack of cloud skills internal to the organization moving from traditional infrastructure to SaaS and cloud based solutions.


What we did

  1. AWS Audit
  2. Cost Optimization Review
  3. Ongoing Monitoring



  • Eliminated unused storage volumes and the old application server no longer in use, the charges for AWS resulted in a savings of 51% per month.
  • We’ll continue to monitor AWS billing and finance to ensure maintenance of savings and identify other future changes.